Grannies for Peace Annual Planning Meeting for 2020, to be held at FUUSA on January 3, 2020


Thanks to everyone who sent feedback on the date choices for our rescheduled, blizzard-disrupted Grannies for Peace Planning meeting for 2020.  Please mark your new 2020 calendars now! The date that works best is: 2:30 PM, Friday, January 3rd  in the Library at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, 405 Washington Ave. Look forward to seeing you all then if not before. Cheers, Maud

This is the annual meeting where we plan for the special events that Grannies present each year in the form of vigils, demonstrations or in the case of the Tulip festival, leafleting following a vigil with special banners and signs.  The events that we will be

Banner with the theme of our vigil, photo by Jeanne Finley

for are  the Valentine’s Day Vigil, The Tulip Fest vigil on the Saturday of the Mother’s Day weekend, and either a celebration of the September 21st International Day of Peace or of Indigenous People’s Day in October.