Pathways to Peace monthly planning meeting, Monday, June 24th, 3 PM at Albany Friends Meeting

June 24, 2019 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Albany Friends Meetinghouse
727 Madison Avenue
Albany NY

Monthly planning meeting for Pathways to Peace.  Note that this is not the usual time or place.
Working on summer projects, possible leafleting, Discussion of the defense budget. And speaking venues for

Review of multi-piece Assembly event on demilitarization in conjunction with the Global Day(s) of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) sponsored by the Global Campaign on Military Spending ( —vigil, leafleting, Assembly presentation, media, etc. :   Maureen provided a summary of her reaction to the event, which we reviewed.  All agreed it had been a good event, appreciating Phil Steck’s efforts on our behalf.

Extra speaking opportunities for Dahr Jamail, who is speaking at the Kateri Peace Conference on Friday, Aug. 16 and Saturday, Aug. 17. (Pat Hynes will also be joining him at Fonda to link the national security state to climate change).:

Other ideas for a summer project:

Legislation related to military spending: information.  One of the issues they cover is U.S. Wars and Militarism which includes a focus on repeal of the AUMF, 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, by currently lobbying for passage of the language to repeal the AUMF which Barbara Lee attached to the current defense spending bill in May.  Paul Tonko is supporting her legislation. (The Albany Friends meeting has a local FCNL advocacy team that could be of help.) Matt Aumand could be a resource. Maud offered to do a session on how to lobby effectively once we have obtained more information on what legislation is out there.

Peace Conference at Fonda on Aug. 16 and 17: Hazel will table.