September 2018 Capital District Billboards with Albert Einstein quote.
Taken at Erie Blvd. during the September 7th billboard launch by Priscilla Fairbank
After a great deal of logistical and administrative work by Priscilla Fairbank and others (including Kate Cavanaugh and Marcia Hopple) a second set of billboards with an antiwar message went up in Schenectady and Albany. To read more about the reasons for the billboards, the national context of their display, and the locations of both billboards that will be up for the whole month of September and perhaps a bit beyond that check out Priscilla’s blog article posted at the end of August on our blog, Waging Peace
What was especially nice about this billboard launch (on Erie Blvd a little past Monroe Street in Schenectady) was the planned participation of many members of Schenectady neighbors For Peace who moved their usual Friday Noon vigil to the location of the billboard and arrived with signs and lots of energy.
As photographer, Lori Van Buren headlined her photo in the TU Regional Section on September 9th “Peace Groups Team Up for Billboards” And speaking of media coverage, thanks go to media maven Maureen Aumand who reached out to attract two TV stations as well as the Times Union.
Here are two unpublished photos of the billboard and the late vigil gathering taken by Lori Van Buren of the Times Union.
Members of Women Against War and their supporters join the Schenectady Neighbors for Peace and members of Upper Hudson Peace Action to launch one of two billboards, this on Erie Boulevard Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 in Schenectady, N.Y. The other billboard will be on Central Ave. in Albany west of Westgate Plaza and Yardboro Avenue, facing east. (Lori Van Buren/Times Union)
Members of Women Against War and their supporters join the Schenectady Neighbors for Peace. and members of Upper Hudson Peace Action to launch one of two billboards, this on Erie Boulevard Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 in Schenectady, N.Y. The other billboard will be on Central Ave. in Albany west of Westgate Plaza and Yardboro Avenue, facing east. (Lori Van Buren/Times Union)
When we gathered together around 11:30 am that morning there was a growing number of Women Against War joining the vigil to support the message and attract the attention of drivers on the busy boulevard. Jackie Donegan of Schenectady Neighbors for Peace had a large sign reading Honk for Peace, which elicited much honking and raised our spirits.
One more excellent piece of writing came out of the billboard launch in the form of a letter to the editor from WAW member and Steering Committee member, Kate Cavanaugh. She further explored Albert Einstein’s ideas about war, and created a bridge to the Grannies for Peace September 21st vigil to End Endless War.
Now we’ll let the pictures taken by Mabel Leon and Priscilla Fairbank speak for themselves: