Women Against War to Join silent, non-violent counter demonstration at Franklin Graham prayer vigil, Thursday, August 25th at Noon

August 25, 2016 @ 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Capitol Park West, Albany NY
State St & S Swan St
Albany, NY 12210

This Thursday, August 25th at Noon, noted Islamophobe and anti-LGBT speaker, Reverend Franklin Graham will be holding a “Prayer Rally” during his stop in Albany at Capitol Park West. This is a stop on his “Decision America, 2016 Tour.” There have been peaceful counter demonstrations and vigils at previous stops on his tour.


Notice of his pending arrival in Albany was first noted by members of the Captial District Coalition Against Islamophobia.  Other groups such as the Capital District Council of Churches, FUUSA, Grannies for Peace and Women Against War will be present with signs and banners to peacefully let people know that we don’t appreciate his hateful rhetoric.

Speaking for Women Against War we intend to be there with signs that read Spread Love Not Hate and Embrace Refugees,

and banners that say: Grannies Embrace Refugees Spread Love Not Hate – Grannies for Peace – Wars Make Refugees.

You are invited to join us as individuals or members of peace and justice groups or local congregations. I would suggest arriving around 11:45 am so that we can gather together On State Street in front of the Legislative Office Building and decide on the best place to stand after we see the speaking arrangements.

As was suggested by one of the members of CDCAI, please bring signs and banners that identify your organization and that counter the messages of Islamophobia, homophobia and xenophobia that he preaches.Priscilla and Derek with signs, photo by Jeanne Finley

If you don’t know anything about Franklin Graham here are a few background articles:

Islamophobia ‘is not Christian.’ Episcopal bishop says at Seattle forum

Rev. Franklin Graham: Apostle of Hatred

Open letter to Reverend Franklin Graham

LGBT Activists Protest Franklin Graham’s ‘Decision America’ Prayer Rally in Sacramento

Or you could just look his history up on wikipedia


 Hope to see some of you at Capitol Park West on Thursday, August 25th from 11:45 am on……