Albany Student Press Reports on Marjorie Cohn’s Visit

WAW In the News: Drones and Targeted Killing Lecture by Marjorie Cohn
Albany Student Press reports on Marjorie Cohn’s most recent publication, “Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues,” an interdisciplinary examination of the United States’ policy on targeted killings and the use of drones. The lecture was co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science, Albany’s United University Professions chapter (Peace and Justice Committee) and Women Against War.August 26th

Iran Project joined students and faculty at Union for an informational picket, May 5, 2015

Three part Iran banner at counter demonstration to John Bolton's lecture at Union College

Three part Iran banner at counter demonstration to John Bolton’s lecture at Union College

Informational picket line across from Memorial Chapel before John Bolton spoke at Union College

Informational picket line across from Memorial Chapel before John Bolton spoke at Union College

On Wednesday, May 5, 2015 when John Bolton, former advocate of the war on Iraq and now proponent of bombing Iran to prevent them from acquiring a nuclear weapon, was invited to speak at Union College as part of a lecture series the students and faculty were outraged.  They invited Women Against War and other community peace groups to join them in an informational picket.  Marcia Hopple of the Iran Project coordinated our presence and invited other groups.  Many others helped in communication, photography, and by their presence.

We have a detailed blog article on Waging Peace, with many photos taken by Mabel Leon and links to some campus opinion pieces.  You can get details and wonderful visuals here.


Photo showing Andy Feffer, Mabel and Bertha from the Concordy

Photo, from the Concordy, showing Andy Feffer, Mabel and Bertha

Saturday, December 6th vigil and mall stroll at Colonie Shopping Center, Grannies Say No to War Toys and Violent Video Games


This gallery contains 23 photos.

  As the first public event in a conversation about some of the roots of violence in our society, namely War Toys and Violent Videos, the Grannies For Peace held a vigil and mall stroll at Colonie Shopping Center during … Continue reading